Senior Leadership Team
Meet our Senior Learning Team.
Senior Leadership Team (ID 1223)
Mrs McArdleHead Teacher
Mrs McArdle
Mrs McCullochDepute Head Teacher
Mrs McCulloch
Learning, Teaching and Assessment
- Head of Melrose House S2 – 6
- Staff Leadership including Student Regent
- Self-Evaluation & Improvement Plan
- Wider Achievement Tracking & Monitoring
- S3 Parent Evening
Link departments currently Mathematics and Physical Education
Mr McGowanDepute Head Teacher
Mr McGowan
Raising Attainment and Achievement
- Head of Iona House S2 - 6
- Senior Phase Curriculum including DYW
- SEEMIS Co-ordinator
- Whole School Timetable
- Whole School Tracking & Monitoring
- Oversee School Fund
- ICT/ Digital Communications
- S5/6 Parent Evening
Link departments currently Performing Arts, Business Education & Computing
Ms LynchDepute Head Teacher
Ms Lynch
Meeting Learners Needs
- Child Protection Co-ordinator
- Head of Support Faculty
- Health & Well Being
- Transitions - Curricular choices (S2, S5/6)
- Link with Pathfinders/ MCR Pathways
- Positive Destinations
- S2 Parent Evening
Link departments currently Pupil Support and Support for Learning
Mrs MacLeodDepute Head Teacher
Mrs MacLeod
Broad General Education
- Head of S1
- Broad General Education
- Primary Transitions
- Promoting Positive Relationships and Understanding Distressed Behaviours
- S1 Parent Evening
Link departments currently Science and Modern languages
Mrs HughesDepute Head Teacher
Mrs Hughes
SQA Coordinator, Pupil Leadership
- Head of Dunkeld House S2 - 6
- SQA Co-ordinator
- Pupil Leadership
- Staffing – Staff Cover/ Maximising Attendance
- NQTs
- Health & Safety
- School Calendar
- S4 Parent Evening
Link departments currently Social Subjects and Technologies
Mrs SimpsonActing Depute Head Teacher (0.6 Equity)
Mrs Simpson
- Develop strategies to reduce the poverty related attainment gap
- Lead and manage PEF PTs and staff contributing to equity strategies
- To develop systems to monitor and report on impact in reducing the attainment gap, particularly in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing
- Manage the PEF budget
- Family Learning
- Cost of the School Day
- Working with parents and partners to promote Equity
Link departments currently – English