Cost of the School Day

Uniform and Clothing

Every young person should be able to access a school uniform

  • Freshly laundered, preloved uniform items available
  • Information available about Clothing Grant
  • Pupil Support staff can access uniform for families where cost is an issue
  • Bank of PE kit available
  • Prom and party dresses and suits available

Please donate preloved uniform and other clothing and accessories to our stock!


Eating at School

Every young person should be nourished and hydrated.

  • Our Magic Breakfast Bar is open every morning from 8.15-8.40am in the Street Area serving hot bagels, toast and crumpets.
  • Cereal bars and fruit in Street Area and Breakfast Club in Nurture Room daily
  • ‘Too Good to Go’ any leftover sandwiches available at the end of the school day
  • Water fountain is in the street area and reusable water bottle are provided
  • Information on Free School Meal entitlement is displayed prominently
  • Canteen is open before school and at break and lunch.



Every young person should be able to engage in clubs

  • A wide range of lunchtime clubs are on offer with resources provided
  • Pupils or families are encouraged to speak to Pupil Support Staff if transport is a barrier to attending any after school club and the school will endeavour to provide this free of charge.

To see which Extra Curricular Clubs are on offer at Trinity please click the link below.

Please donate any unwanted resources that might be useful for clubs such as sports equipment


Learning Materials and Home Learning

All core learning and teaching materials are provided at no charge to pupils.

  • Stationery Trolley to support S4-6 pupils with study
  • Pens and pencils are available from our Librarian in the school library.
  • Google Classroom is used to provide learning resources
  • Hard copies are provided for pupils who do not have ICT access
  • EMA offers financial help for senior pupils


Ethos and Attitudes

Our school community is inclusive and respects and values every individual as made in God’s image.

  • Pupils learn about poverty related issues in Social Subjects, RE and PSHE.
  • Pupils’ and families views and input are sought via surveys, working groups and our Participatory Budgeting Process
  • We aim to offer support sensitively and discreetly
  • We communicate information about support with all aspects of COSD via posters around the school, assemblies and Twitter


Please get in touch if you would like to be more involved


School Trips

All young people are given the opportunity to take part in low cost school trips.

  • All communication around school trips includes information on how to access support with payments
  • Staff plan low-cost school trips where possible

Specialist activities and speakers are invited to the school to allow pupils to experience the benefits of trips without the costs!


Personal Hygiene

Access to sanitary products is provided to all pupils in accessible toilets

  • Information on sanitary products is displayed prominently
  • Pupils are consulted annually on access, availability and signage
  • Toiletries are available via pupil support staff


Activities and Events

All young people have the opportunity to take part in fun events

  • All communication on school events includes information on how to access support with finance
  • Charity is one of our school values. Pupils are encouraged to demonstrate this through acts of kindness and helpfulness as well as optional donations at spaced out points in the year.



All young people are able to travel to and from school

  • Pupils are supported in applying for NEC Card with Free Bus Travel.
  • Support with transport available for clubs and supported study where needed: please contact pupil support staff.