🙏St. Joachim and St. Joseph’s foodbank : Supporting our communities.🙏
A wee reminder that the Foodbank is open every week:
Friday from 11-1 in St. Joachim’s Hall, Inzievar Terrace.
Tuesday from 10-12 in St. Joseph’s Hall Fullerton Avenue, Tollcross.
We offer a range of basic nonperishable foods, like tins of meatballs. hotdogs, beans, soup etc. as well as pasta, rice cereal and other basic essentials. We also offer staple household cleaning essentials on a monthly basis.
We are run by a group of volunteers and , at present, completely funded by donations.
This is the important bit!
You do not need a referral to come to our Foodbank. We do not ask questions or make judgments. Please, please, if you need a wee bit of support to tide you over, or you have hit a bump or if you are constantly struggling, come and see us. We will be delighted to see you!
If you aren’t in that situation but know someone who is, please tell them about us and encourage them to come along. We just want to help folks in our community!
Also if you can find a way to support us either with donations of foods or cash, or know a way we can access funding , please come and see us or drop us a message either through FB or via email at